We have a facilitator, a guy who helps us get meetings. Zambian, thirtyish, economist-turned-consultant. Very energetic. Like a lot of Zambians, he has a biblical name -- let's call him Elijah. Elijah is pleasant enough, and very engaged, but up until tonight hadn't shown much emotion.
So we're sitting around the table having our evening meeting -- five consultants, Mary the admin, and Elijah. The following conversation takes place:
Colleen (a consultant): ...so they're trying to sell it for export, but the volume is just too big. The first posting on Zamace didn't attract a single bid.
Me: Wait, remind me. What is "Zamace"?
Colleen: It's the Zambian commodities exchange.
Me: Oh, right.
Colleen: So we don't know what their exposure is, but they've taken at least $20 million in commercial bank loans --
Me: You know, "Zamace" sounds like the name of a 70th level reptile lord in World of Warcraft.
Colleen: [blank look]
Mary the admin: Oh my God you are such a dork.
Elijah: [silently laughing]
Me: Elijah?
Elijah [struggling to compose himself]: Ah, hah, ha ha --
Me: Horde or Alliance?
Elijah: For the Horde, man.
Me: For the Horde.
Doug, I think that that just might be the most awesome anecdote on the internet.
Posted by: Andrew R. | November 12, 2010 at 05:59 AM
Andrew L is with Andrew R.
Posted by: Andrew | November 12, 2010 at 06:10 AM