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June 13, 2006


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Get that man a Baen contract!

The New York City Math Teacher

Hm. Volksdeutscher from Transylvania?

And he really is too old to be tarred-and-feathered. But he was in the SS.

Jussi Jalonen

Romanian prisons were bad, because the inmates were forced to cut their hair? Um? As far as I know, the Waffen-SS didn't exactly allow their recruits to wear hairnets, either.

Wearing a Wolfsangel in itself never made anyone worse _per se_, but this corpulent fellow is full of crap. And there's no chance in hell that he ever held an officer's rank, least of all in a battlefield outfit.



I kinda like the idea of a Baen A&R guy going on the circuit -- Minuteman rallies, DOMAI chatrooms, the National Review Online cruise -- quietly asking, "Psst... do you write science fiction?"

NYCMT, I am picturing the guy, with a twinkle in his merry Paul Newman eyes, pulling out for the reporter a swastika-enameled music box that plays 'Ebony and Ivory'. "I must apologize, I cannot find the one that plays 'Hava Nagila'."

The New York City Math Teacher

I'm not so sure. The rummage sale? Swastika crocheted tea cozies and china doilies, yes. Paint-by-colors reproductions of Der Giftpilz illustrations, yes. Everything David Irving and George Lincoln Rockwell ever wrote. I'm pretty sure you'll find some false teeth and some disturbing pornography from the '60s if you manage to rummage through the bottom of his Sears Craftsman 15-drawer tool chest before the family does.

Readers' Digest condensed books by the milvan. Lesser classes of chipped porcelain - not H�tschenreuther, Meissen, or Rosenthal, but the Wirtschaftwunder export-quality crap from the late '50s. Lots of garbage lamps that have been rewired once or twice, competently or incompetently. Worn leather Barcalounger from the mid '70s, and a lounge suite with harvest gold corded upholstery. Very possible one or two massive old linen safes or buffets - clearly homemade locally in the 'teens or twenties.

Iron bedsteads - probably no. They will attempt to sell the moldering mattresses and box-springs.
There will be a pile of stained table linen, or not. After all, this fellow started over from nothing after a Western POW camp.

Oh, I know what he was! He was a typist! Or some other form of useless clerk in the Internal Territorial Police or Wehrmacht rear. Far enough away from the sharp end to retain adolescent fantasies, and he got to wear a uniform.

There will be Do-it-yourself books and shorthand manuals. Bad hotel oil paintings. Fake antique farm implements. Every thing in the intersection of the two sets [LP] and [Lawrence Welk]. Perhaps bad recordings of Strauss waltzes.

Eh. This is one estate sale I'll miss. Gotta remember the cardinal rules of estate sales - very-old-aged Jewish widow shut-ins in wealthy neighborhoods leave the best stuff.

Patrick Banks

Geez. The Week sure devoted a lot of newsprint to this guy. Where were the quotes from people who think Nazi Geezer is a loon? Why does this article remind me of those fluff pieces in Parade about people who beat cancer and donate Precious Moment's figurines to orphans? Why wasn't this on the WorldNetDaily website where it belongs?

A New York City Math Teacher

very-old-aged Jewish widow shut-ins in wealthy neighborhoods leave the best stuff.

And the worst stuff too, I hasten to add.

(institutional blankets, bedpads, and emesis basins anyone?)


Dude. Setting aside the fetish gear, you're describing my grandparents' house in the 1970s. Except the antique farm implements weren't fakes, and were kept in the garage, next to the snowmobile. And you left out the portrait of Jesus in the front parlor.

I think you may have missed your calling as a set designer.

Bernard Guerrero

"Dude. Setting aside the fetish gear, you're describing my grandparents' house in the 1970s. Except the antique farm implements weren't fakes, and were kept in the garage, next to the snowmobile. And you left out the portrait of Jesus in the front parlor."

Dude, except for that and the farm implements he described my Dad's old place. Minor tweeks required to adjust for being Hispanic, but still. Never did find the key to the Craftsman tool chest...

Bernard Guerrero

(institutional blankets, bedpads, and emesis basins anyone?)

Eww. I'll stick to Ebay.

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