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April 25, 2006


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Dennis Brennan

No Sinclair here, just a Lithuanian-American anecdote. My paternal grandmother (a full-blooded Lithuanian: born in Philadelphia, of immigrant parents) had the maiden name "Yackus". My father learned years later that there's no letter "y" in Lithuanian-- the name had originally been "Jackus" (pronounced the same), but the parents changed the spelling once the kids started coming home from school with black eyes.


What was the other book, if you don't mind me asking?


Snyder's The Reconstruction of Nations : Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999. Recommended, incidentally.

la loca

you're flirting with me, aren't you? xox

Giedrius Subacius


I enjoyed your review about my book on the Lithuanian Jungle. Thanks a lot! It was fun to read it!

Best regards,
Giedrius Subacius

Giedrius Subacius

I enjoyed your review about my book on The Lithuanian Jungle.
Thanks a lot! It was fun to the review!

Best regards,
Giedrius Subacius

randall martin

I would like to purchase a copy of The Jungle, translated into Lithuanian.

Where can I find it?

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