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September 02, 2005


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Martin Wisse

Clothes are important too. Many people will have lost quite a few clothes in the flood after all.


A good pair of shoes, too. A flood deposits a lot of crap.

I can't even muster outrage against people who lost everything stealing big-ticket items, or hot-wiring a car to get the hell out of there. The people who are doing it for resale, on the other hand...

Bernard Guerrero

I don't see why you're torn about it. Clearly, nobody is going to pay attention to legal niceties when they're about to dehydrate or starve. I doubt many would bother arguing the point. Your instincts are correct.

I do expect the Guard to start shooting people who continue looting _after_ they arrive, though. (They're in NO proper already, I believe.) The re-establishment of force = the establishment of aid distribution points, at which point looting ceases to be a matter of survival in a lawless area and becomes a matter of illegal wealth-transfer.

PS. Offers of helicopters? C'mon. Transit time from Rotterdam to NYC (Port Elizabeth, NJ, actually) is on the order of 10 days if you have the CONEX or vehicle all loaded up and ready to go, which of course is not the case. In the meantime, Guard units and FEMA teams are already entering NO. You want to help? Find a family or a charity and send cash. Nice, fungible, easy-to-wire cash. No mess, no additional road traffic until it is used to buy something, and whatever is purchased will be more closely in tune with actual needs.


If you were a delicate... a well educated... a civilized black woman - you wouldn't do that!

Bernard Guerrero

" If you were a delicate... a well educated... a civilized black woman - you wouldn't do that!"

??? Loot, shoot looters or send shoes?


PS. Offers of helicopters? C'mon. Transit time from Rotterdam to NYC (Port Elizabeth, NJ, actually) is on the order of 10 day

Um... you load the choppers into a big cargo plane, just like the US Army does. Europe has no shortage of those.

Transit time, 8-10 hours.

Doug M.

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