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January 08, 2005


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Syd Webb

Was given a copy for my birthday late last year. As Claudia suggests, jammed with fascinating stuff. Includes weight categories for both male and female sumo wrestlers, the complete list of suppliers by appointment to HM the Queen and all the Bond girls.

Lois Fundis

UZANA trampled to death by an elephant. (1254)


MINREKYAWSWA crushed to death by his own elephant. (1417)

RAZADARIT died after becoming entangled in the rope with which he was lassoing elephants. (1423)

TABINSHWETI beheaded by his chamberlains whilst searching for a fictitious white elephant. (1551)

Obviously, kings and elephants don't mix.


Okay, done. I just bought it for you. Consider it an early birthday present or a late Christmas present. It will be here when you next come to visit (how's that for "visit me blackmail"?)



Just so y'all know: I have the BEST friends, ever.

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